Take Risks Confidently

Take Risks Confidently

One or the other day everyone of us needs to take risks in our life or in the work we do.To make significant gains, we must take risks in life.Confidence and Courage are required, as is the ability to look in all directions before you leap.But those who can learn to think, act and build themselves have golden future.Confidence in yourself and in your abilities is an essential attribute.You need to develop self confidence to achieve success.But the problem is most of us fail to assess the risk and loose valuable time for opting it.Here are some tips to master risk taking in your career and life.


Have Courage

Believing in your own ability and being brave enough to risk being wrong is one of the important factors to success.When dealing with a risk try to think like an entrepreneur.Calculate wether a risk is worthwhile, and if it is,have the courage and self confidence to take it.You can advice all along  the line.But the ultimate “GO / No GO” decision is yours alone.If you can take it confidently,then you can become successful.


Being Positive

Any decision from buying a thing to accept a new job has an up and a potential downside.When facing any risk, adopt the best mental attitude and concentrate on the positive potential,the Upside.But always be aware there’s a downside. Even the most gung ho person considers,even if subconsciously what will happen if the worst comes to the worst.If the downside is personally unacceptable, look for the ways of limiting the risk ideally for a fail-safe position.


Calculating the Risk

Don’t be mislead by the old investment maxim that says “The Higher The Return, The Greater The Risk”. In fact ,the upside on a relatively safe move can be great.However you must always calculate the risk before taking it, by doing a few simple yet effective sums.Remember ,too, that doing nothing may involve a hidden risk.If you do not take a decision, you might fail to make a breakthrough, either in your career or in your life.if you fail to spot this concealed risk, you will suffer the consequences.So, do your research and avoid taking action before you have all the facts.Remember, Never let an opportunity pass,but think twice before acting.


Do Your Best

You can strengthen your confidence by dwelling on what you do well.Do not compare yourself unfavorably with others, or suppose that others are judging you adversely.If you do feel inadequate in any area, train to improve your skills.Take pride in what you have done well and approach your tasks like a professional sports person. “Train to improve strengths and eliminate weaknesses , but recognize that doing as well as you can, and constantly raising that level,is the most you can expect.Don’t be afraid to seek feed back from others.Having received the feed back, act on what you have learnt.This is not the same as seeking the approval of others.You are not using the informed and critical advice to improve your performance and thus to feel better about yourself.Always expect to outdo others at whatever task you undertake.

photo credit : bizrite

How do you face risks and Achieve Success ? ? ?


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