Do You Think Before Making Promises ? ?

promise Let me start this post with an interesting story developed on characters from the epic Mahabharata. Dharmaraja, the elder of the pandavas was known for his honesty,and commitment and for not telling a lie even once in his lifetime.While gambling with his cousin, he lost everything in betting and as per the agreement between them he has to spend 12years in forest and another year in disguise along with his four brothers and his wife.

It was the last day of their camouflaged life in jungles. As they were preparing to return to their kingdom, a beggar bowed before the raja and asked for help. “Come Tomorrow.I promise to give whatever you want” said the erstwhile king.Overhearing this Bheema (one among raja’s four brothers) went on the top of a hill and started shouting to the five elements ( According to Hindu mythology the five elements Earth,Fire,Water,Air and Sky ,that are needed for a human being to live are termed as Panchabhutas). “Listen! Here is a chance of my brother lying for the first time in his Life. “ Surprised Dharmaraja asked him the reason.

Bheema politely replied, “What is the affirmation that you would be the king by tomorrow ? How were you so sure that both of you will live till you accomplish your promise ? What is the guarantee that the beggar would remain as a beggar till tomorrow?.” The morale from the story is “Making Promises is not Important but fulfilling the promise is the Important Thing..”


Promise Management

Many of us give importance to Time,Stress management,Emotional balance etc but somehow do not give due significance to developing the habit of keeping promises.Promise Management is the foundation for character management.Promises may keep the relationships,but non-performance will turn them into enemies.Being trustworthy is a consistent process of choosing someone else’s interests over your own.

“Assure only what you can deliver and deliver more than what you assured” is an old proverb.But unfortunately we promise according to our hopes and perform according to realities.

“Don’t promise too much” is the 1st suggestion given to the newly married couples.Never make a promise to your spouse or lover that you cannot keep, no matter how much pressure you feel,no matter how much critical the situation may be.When you cannot carry out you may have to lie and you know that one lie leads to another.Its like throwing today’s problem into tomorrows court.We act exactly the same when we make an impossible promise.


False Promises

Do everything meet your word ? But when that becomes impossible, admit your inability at the earliest rather than due date.Instead of luring the creditor with the false promises and irritating him with rounds around you,commit the next exact date.Don’t lie to avoid the crisis and to get temporary solace.One Lie is the mother of next hundred lies.


Avoid False Promises

Relationships are built on trust and and commitment, but unfortunately many people take their friends and spouse granted.A small lie about a purchase or a cover up for a forgotten birthday takes up a bite of their confidence and over years the foundation of trust begins to crumble.If somebody is promising paradise on earth, consider that he is going to create hell for you.On the other side,if you find that you are regularly breaking promises either on your punctuality or in financial reasons analyse the reasons for your attitude.

A broken promise suggests 3 things

1. The person to whom you promised is not a priority in your scheme of such things..

2. Within a limitless time of approval, you are trying to please too many people beyond your capacity.

3. You do not perceive your promise important enough to be kept.

No person in this world is busy.Rather we only have different priorities..


A promise kept is a pleasure that draws appreciation from others, whereas broken promise leads to resentment, anxiety, hate and distrust.Promptness in keeping up your promises will enhance your creditworthiness and hence give margin of error while fulfilling date as unexpected difficulties may surface.

PhotoCredit: versimark

What Do You think Of ? ? Are you a Promise Keeper Or Promise Breaker ? ? ?


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