Insane - but true things that Cost to achieve Success

Does it cost anything to achieve success ? ? yes,but not in matter or material.Surprised ? ? Everyone needs to pay some part of their life as rent to achieve success.In this fast busy world,we are paying a high price for confusing success with constant adrenaline,endless activity,all work,no rest & no play.The price we pay to achieve success is spending most valuable thing in our life.Its nothing but “TIME”.Success depends on the key factor, How we manage the time we have ? ?If we learn how to manage our time we can avoid falling into activity trap & wasting the precious time in our life.

Living Too fast - Detract from Quality

Many results today are being measured in terms of speed.Though speed is an important factor,it must not override everything.Speed of delivery must be always balanced with quality of work.Though you enjoy living life in the fast lane,realize that there are costs in terms of your health & well being.Also relationships get deteriorated if they are not given time & attention.Constant Activity is a trap that erodes effectiveness in both work & life.Make yourself active with moments of reflection so that you can achieve  a sense of accomplishment.In an effort to achieve result there are chances we may damage a relationship,neglect what’s important,& cause unnecessary distress.

Workaholism - Losing up Important things in Life

We often see many of them saying that “I’m A workaholic” proudly.Just Ask them about their relationships with their family & friends.Probably these may be the words they have heard long ago..Workaholism is an escape from life thru work.It’s behavior that damages effectiveness,estrange families & impair health.A workaholic will ensure that they always have access to work,often confused as dedication.Be alert to symptoms of overload & focus on balancing your Work & Life.

Working Smarter - Managing Your Time Effectively

One of the another biggest traps that we are in today is the “busy culture”. Though no one wish/want to be in it everyone’s falling into it.The major problem with this is the habit of “busy-ness”.It follows the work ethic “Start early – Finish Late” that confuses constant effort with real effectiveness.Avoid this say keeping busy out of a sense of habit,duty or guilt because all these kill the effectiveness, creativity,morale & “motivation you are having in you.

Think about the saying Work Smarter , Not Harder”. i.e think about how you could be less busy & be more effective. If you are always busy you will not have the time to prioritize effectively.You may waste time on urgent tasks rather than important tasks.Prioritize tasks according to their importance not their urgency,so that you always stay focused.Always dare to put your priorities first, even when you are under pressure,so that you can build success.


What you are ready to Spend to achieve Success ? ?


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