S.P.A.R.E Time is Not Free

Spare Time Time is our most valuable resource.Everybody has to manage their time to some extent wether it be at home or at work or both.The sequence in which you perform tasks on everyday basis has a profound effect on how much you get out of life. Most people have the capacity to manage their time better, and doing so makes the working day more productive and leisure time more fulfilling.By analyzing time on a regular basis, it is possible to understand the most efficient ways to use tome,both in and out of work place.There’s a saying that “Time Is Money.” But idle time doesn’t earn money.

Before thinking of day to day activities and time management techniques, we may consider for a while, time-structuring,is a socio-physical concept.Time is not purely physical,it is psychological.Here is an example.When we are engrossed in work we are not even conscious of how time has gone.when we are tired or bored we feel that time is moving slowly.These are the common experiences.Secondly we cannot engage in work always.We need some rest (i.e. Change Of Occupation).We move from one occupation to other.Some may prefer alternating between work and play.If we can combine work and play,we will have more time at our disposal.according to the concept of Time Structuring, all human beings have stimulus hunger like hunger for food.The stimulus hunger is satisfied through a number of ways.

Here comes the “SPARE TIME”. Spare time is generally taken as the free time which we use to relax. Every one must spare some time for positive self-occupation.Here’s The concept of SPARE.


S - Self Occupation

P - PasTime

A - Activity

R- Ritual

E - Encounters (Authentic, Dishonest/Games)


Self occupation is a situation in which you are not looking for outside stimulus(As i said above).When you are all alone not doing anything physically.You could be dreaming,fantasizing,thinking or brooding, introspecting or meditating what ever it may be related to your mind.You may get tired if it is negative or relaxed if it is positive.So spare some time for positive self-occupation.This makes you relaxed and gives you a new mood to work on with your daily routine.

Some time you will spare for Activities when you are doing something alone.I consider reading & writing as important activities one must engage in besides routine work.At other times we try to be in contact with other human beings for stimuli.

Ritual is a simple exchange of hello which satisfies the stimuli for hunger somewhat.A ritual can be extended one in some cultures.For example an elaborate welcome before engaging in a party or a meeting e.t.c.

PasTime is an extended ritual when people exchange several transactions just casually.These can deteriorate into games when people engage in gossip and dishonest transactions.these can be psychologically satisfying bet socially damaging.What is satisfying to all is authentic Encounters when people exchange ideas,opinions,thoughts e.t.c in an open and honest ways.The honest encounters are hierarchical, at the base level it is simply satisfying the stimulus hunger.As they become purposeful, problem-solving,finally reach the pinnacle,the collective consciousness and super consciousness.

Photo Credit  : Zazzle

How Do you use your SPARE TIME ? ?


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